You are on your personal page on our website. You are a complete owner here: you can place any information if it does not contradict the tasks of our Society and the Russian Federation legislation. We recommend you to start by placing the main information about yourself in the web (HTML) format on the input page. Your story can be illustrated by several photos or links to your Internet resources. To do this, you should go to the edit mode and use the HTML editor. If someone does this for the first time in their life, do not be scared. It is nothing to worry about, it is simpler than “Word”. Having filled in the input page, you can move to other ones. The entrance to these pages is via the "Circulum vitae" button and three other buttons.

Attention! Since 2019, our website has been in English. This allows Russian members of the Society to convey information about themselves to English-speaking website visitors. In turn, the English-speaking Active members can tell about themselves to the Russian conifer community. When creating and editing all sections of your personal page, you can fill in only Russian, only English or both versions.

Эпигенетическое наследование скорости роста: опыт П.Ю.Ершова
1-я международная онлайн-конференция "Интродукция и селекция декоративных хвойных в России", 9 декабря 2021 г.
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2-й съезд РОСИХ, 02.02.2020
Доклад Горошкевича С.Н. на конференции АППМ 05.02.2020г.
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На фотографиях показаны 1-летние шишки перед зимовкой. Согласитесь, они разные. Верхняя – кедр сибирский. А нижняя? Тот же самый вид, тот же самый кло
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Российское общество селекции и интродукции хвойных © 2015г